Sunday, 28 July 2013

TUTORIAL: Gym makeup routine

Hey guys! You all know I've been on a health kick for the last few months, and I recently started going to the gym 3 times a week. Sometimes I have somewhere to go afterwards, or I'm just not feeling very attractive, and I feel the need to put on a little face before I go.

Here's a video of what I use, and how to apply the right products for the gym.

TAG GAME: Right now beauty products.

This week, I created a tag called "right now", in which I tell you all about the products that I am using right now! Watch the video below to find out what my favourite products are RIGHT NOW!

Thursday, 25 July 2013


My Violet box finally arrived! Below is a video of my thoughts as I unboxed it and looked at what is inside. I really think that Violet Box have stepped up and are producing a really great, value for money subscription box. I'll be keeping my subscription for sure!

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

REVIEW: Love Alpha mascara and eyeliner.

Recently, I was recommended a mascara by one of my lovely readers (Thank you, Alice!), and just had to try it out! When I was shopping for the mascara, I also picked up their gel eyeliner at the same time, and I tried them both out, with amazing results!

One eye done, one eye natural.
Love Alpha fibre coat mascara is a two-part system, with a transplanting gel (which is black, and could be used alone), and natural fibres, which brush on over the top and stick to the gel.
The one thing I will say about the fibres, is that you should definitely apply another coat of mascara or transplanting gel over the top to seal the fibres, as they can cause quite a messy fallout if you leave them unsealed.

The thick eyeliner is awesome, it's a gel, which is very creamy and goes on like a dream. It even comes with its own fold away brush.

For a more in depth review, watch the video below. Don't forget to rate and subscribe for more beauty secrets!

Friday, 19 July 2013

Review and tutorial: Models Prefer Professional Classic Smoky Eye Compact

I picked up this little gem for just $7 in Priceline's big end of financial year sale, and it is now one of my go-to products when it comes to choosing an all over face look. You can dress it up, make it dark for a night out on the town, or stick to the lighter colours for daytime looks.

The compact includes 3 different eyeshadow shades, perfect for creating a gorgeous smoked eye look, a mascara in black, a highlighter and blush, and a nude lipstick which I absolutely adore.

For a closer look, and a tutorial on how to create a really pretty smokey look with this palette, watch the video below!

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

KATY'S BEAUTY COMMUNITY - Dollar Cosmetic Club and Bravehearts

It's been a while since I posted a beauty community program, but this is a really good one!

Every day in the month of July, are donating 100% of proceeds from their dollar sales to Bravehearts Inc ( to help raise awareness of child sexual abuse. All you have to do to help is snap up one of DCC's awesome bargains this month! don't forget to share at the checkout for an extra (FREE!!!!) product!

I've made a little video explaining the cause, and how you can get involved, which you can watch below:

Wednesday, 10 July 2013


My bellabox arrived this morning, and here's what I found inside!



Dermaroller: First Impressions

I stumbled across this amazing "skin care secret" that's been really popular in Europe for many years and decided to give it a go.
Whilst it does look scary, and I am, as always, skeptical about the results I might achieve with it, I figured I'd give it a good go.

Since filming the video, I have used it on my stretchmarks, and on my head to promote hair growth. It feels strange, but isn't painful, and it made my skin very itchy, which can be a very good sign when we're wanting to promote bloodflow to the scalp, etc.

Check out my first impressions of the Dermaroller in the video below, and stay tuned for a full review in a few weeks.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Fun tag: $20 makeup challenge plus swap with TheAinsleeyx!

This week, for a bit of fun, I did a swap and $20 makeup challenge with TheAinsleeyx from YouTube! We had tonnes of fun and I can't wait to work with her again. You can find her on YouTube HERE.

Check out the video below to see what she sent me and how I turned it into a full face of makeup, proving that you don't have to have the most expensive products or the best tools to make your face work.



Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Violet box review June 2013