Sunday, 25 November 2012

Blog news: exciting things

So this week, I'm going to skip the how-to and update you guys with where I'm at, as far as the blog is concerned. It's grown like a weed since I started almost 3 months ago, and I'm having an amazing time with it.

As you've probably noticed, I've gone from posting twice a week to posting every week day and sometimes on weekends too. I have so much stuff to show you guys that I would have a whole year's worth of twice-a-week posts, so I decided to amp it up a bit and get to you every day.

Some really cool things have happened, in the form of Google acknowledgement. You have probably noticed in the last couple of days that my blog page has an ad block on it. These ads are care of adsense, the google company that powers the monetisation of Google/YouTube partnered I guess what I'm trying to tell you is YAY, I HAVE BEEN APPROVED FOR YOUTUBE PARTNERSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With that said, I want to urge you guys to check out my YouTube channel, if you haven't already, and subscribe/like/favourite/comment, because it all helps the channel grow! I'm getting some artwork together for the YouTube channel, and hope to have it a bit more personalized soon. I've been concentrating on the intro video and upgrading my editing software, and because I do it all myself, including artwork, photography and all content for the blog and the YouTube channel, I can only do so much with my time.

The channel is

I'm getting lots of content in the form of sample box product and also products to try from several different brands, which is amazing. In the next few weeks, I'm going to start doing haul vids and blog posts, to show you the results of my shopping trips and things I've received in the mail. It will be like the bellabox video, but with products I've chosen. Haul videos are super popular on YouTube right now for some reason, so I want to put out relevant content there.

Apart from that, I'm just working on content here and there, so keep an eye on both places! If you want to stay up to date with all my postings here and on YouTube, don't forget to "like" my facebook page at

Just one little thing about facebook. They have changed the way that we get our news feed now. You are now receiving updates from your friends, some of your "liked" pages (but not all of them), and some "suggested posts". On the left hand side of your feed, where you can click on your apps and games, there is an orange flag with "pages feed" next to it. If you click on that, you can view activity from all of your "liked" pages. If you aren't seeing my posts every day in your normal feed, you need to click the pages feed to check in. It's a pain in the butt, I know, but this is how facebook are doing it now, prioritizing posts that are PAID FOR by the people advertising their pages, going as far as to "suggest" paid posts to people who aren't subscribed to the pages they are advertising. But facebook is not my site, it's not my decision, and how they run their site is up to them. We all simply choose to use it (or not), so we have to accept it as it is.

That's about it for my update, I'll keep you up to date with how I'm going periodically, and most of all:


Without readers, there's no point in blogging. I'm so grateful to have every single one of you.

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